Alice Seba

Instant Download! FREE Strategies to Design Your Recession-Proof Business Guide + Workbook...Including Personalized Help

Free Guide to Design a Recession-Proof Business

One of the biggest dreams many people have is to start a business.

But with that comes a LOT of work and a LOT of risk. Many people struggle to build something for years and years. Others build something amazing, only to have it crumble later.

And add today's challenging times, many businesses are REALLY struggling.

After 20 years of running a successful online business, I've seen a LOT. I've ridden out 2 recessions and even tougher times seem to be on the horizon, but through it all, I'm confident that I can make it through with flying colors and without interrupting the Dream Life I've been carefully crafting for myself.

Now I can't promise a fully recession-proof business for anyone, even myself. But as I said, I've been riding the waves for 20 years now and I've learned a few things.

And while the combination of all these strategies worked for me, I'm not suggesting that you have to follow up all of them. They're just potential strategies and should be viewed tips and definitely not rules.

I want to share those with you, so you can create a business that suits you and that will help you become an expert surfer too. ;) 

Claim Your Free Guide + Workbook and Get Personalized Help Each Step of the Way

Just enter your name and best email address and hit "Claim My Free Guide + Workbook". 

You'll be able to download the guide + workbook right away - or listen to the recording, if you prefer. You'll also receive an invitation to my private community where you'll be able to ask questions, brainstorm and get feedback each step of the way. 

Can't wait to share all this with you and help you design your recession-proof business!

To living your best life, all on your terms,

Alice Seba

Alice Seba, CEO on Her Own Terms

Copyright 2002-2022 Alice Seba | Seba Info Systems Inc., All Rights Reserved

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